Webster Lake Photography
The Photo Galleries shown are from a variety of sources. If you would like to add one or more pictures to the website, please send them to the WLA Webmaster

Acknowledgements for Eagle Galleries
Many thanks to Al Huefner for his extensive and excellent coverage of the Webster Lake Eagles. In addition to his narratives and his own screen shots and photos, Al has included many photos and reports from others. Most of the photos in these Eagle Galleries came from Al's emails. Several photographers contributed.
Dean Pariseau (www.humblevalleyphotography.com) has granted a limited copyright to the WLA to include a sample of his work on this website. Linda Wildes has also provided many pictures and Gloria Ricker has added the first photo of the two new eaglets together.
If you have questions or comments, please contact me at the webmaster mail link at bottom left.
Freedom Gallery

Eaglets 2014 Gallery

Adult Eagle Gallery